The Daily Whine List

What is generally running around unfettered in my cranium. Or the struggles of a sometimes manic-depressive Buddhist. That's Captain Sarcastic to you.


Cruising into my 36th birthday on the 28th. Also time for my annual HIV/AIDS test. I hate these things. I know I will be ok but it's that weeklong wait until you know for sure.

Also, I am starting the Atkins Diet tommorrow. The goal is to lose 65 pounds. I'd like to do it by the end of the year but that may be a bit too ambitious. Only 20 mgs of carbs a day for the next 2-4 weeks. Yikes. BUt I am loving the other part of it, steak, pork chops, and lots of veggies. I need to do this for the diabetes. Maybe the weight loss will lower the bloodsugars so I don't have to worry anymore. A friend of mine is on it with his wife and they seem to be doing well.

My brother stopped by the other day. Was pleasantly surprised. We are going to get together for my birthday for breakfast, maybe longer if I can find someone to cover my shift at work.

The roomies were away for a few days. In a way it was nice having the place to myself and the cat. I even remembered to feed him. Yay Me! I am really looking forward to my own place. It's not them, I just don't do the roomate thing well. I am too set in my ways. George is suppossed to talk to a friend of his to see if the place above the pizza shop on 19th street in Allentown is open. If I get it, that'll put me about 5 blocks from my old place near the Fairgrounds. I loved that place. Well wish me luck with that and the job search.


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