The Daily Whine List

What is generally running around unfettered in my cranium. Or the struggles of a sometimes manic-depressive Buddhist. That's Captain Sarcastic to you.


Reading online this morning that the actor who portrayed black president David Palmer on "24" believes he characterization helped paving the way for Barack Obama's current campaign by making the idea of a black president more palatable. Well, perhaps, let's just hope the comparison ends there. While not a huge fan of 24, I believe the character was assassinated.

Makes you wonder who Obama will pick as his running mate. To paraphrase Chris Rock, you wonder if he'll pick someone so distasteful that he'd never have to worry about catching a bullet. Like Hillary. You could have him in the crosshairs and then see her cankle-laden ass and just shudder to the thought of her in the oval office.

Still can you imagine the torment of her finally becoming President and having to spend everyday looking at the hallway just off to the side.


As you can obviously tell I haven't blogged inawhile. What blogging I have done was moved to MySpace and became more diary-esque in nature. I stopped doing the more politically based ones since I decided not to go to grad school/ not getting into law school. I have been trying to avoid politics which hasn't always been successful. To be honest, I didn't like how angry all the stuff was making me, hence my break. Recently DOGRAT started blogging again and I am motivated to return to my rantings. So blame him.

Last night Obama clinched the Democratic nomination for President, even though it seems like they've been running for 5 years. Maybe now, Hillary will shut the fuck up. That's not likely but it's nice to get out of my skull. McCain or Obama? Does it really matter? They're all self-serving bastards who need to be hung but thats another matter.

Awhile ago on the radio, I heard someone going on about racism and the current generations so-called responsibility for it. BAsically the conversation centered around how current generations of whites are still responsible for the sins of our forefathers regardless of whether said forefather had anything to do with racism or slavery. The rationale is that by virtue of being born white (and don't forget male-!!!) we have benefited. When I was in school it was said to my face that I had benefited even if I wasn't aware of it. So you are a racist just because you're white?

Since that is apparently a valid "proof" to my racism, I wonder if that same rationale is justified in other discussions of race. It must, using this thought process, be ok to be suspicious of any individual of X skin color based on statistical behavior. It will not matter that you can show proof of your innocence because all I have to do is claim you are not aware of your racial-predestination to crime. Let's see someone realistically try to float that argument. It won't float because it's bullshit.

Anyway, I'm back, so blame Dograt.


I am tired, hurt, and weary. As some of you may know, someone I know was convicted of child molestation and is serving a lenghty term in prison. When he was first accussed, I rallied behind him and specifically his parents. They asked me to stay with them and keep an eye on things (the house, security, etc) as they were both in their 70s at the time of their son's arrest. First, I didn't believe it was possible, then as time passed I learned it was true (but I believed it was a mental illness that caused this behavior). Now, tonight, I have learned from the a friend of mine that her child was fondled by this man. Maybe I wanted to believe this man was mentally ill (and God knows he isn't right) and that his actions were not calculating and intentional. Now I am faced with the possibility that he is exactly what the prosecution and the victim's parents say he was. I was wrong, I never knew him and I missed this happening. He played us all, including his parents. I publically defended him in the face of his accussers, and now I am a fool. I have ruined my reputation with people I saw as my friends. Because I was with his family for a year and a half, I am accussed by people of stealing from his parents. One person in particular, is the prime facilitator of these stories. But it is the other people, who I thought were my friends will no longer talk to me. I allowed this to happen because I put myself in the role of "supportive friend".

I feel like I can never go back there because of what people now believe of me. I am tired of people not getting me. I am not a complex man, I purposely have tried to keep myself from being "too complex". What you see is what you get, I wear my heart on my sleeve. Yet they missed me and my intent.

The small solace I have is that I still hear from Ben's parents, they invite me to come visit when I am back east agaian. The father has written me letters of recommendations for school. Does this sound like I am a bastard and a theif in their eyes? I hope to God they understood me, why I was there. Why I stayed when I had nothing left and had to get out because I was falling apart. I stayed literally because Ben's Mom looked at me and said her and her husband needed me there. How do you say no to that? How do you walk away from a promise to help them? They took care of me when I stayed there, very generously, but that's not why I was there. I am embarrassed to think what it cost me when compared to what they lost. I feel like a whiner. And yet people question my motives and accuse me of capitalizing on others pain.

I will have to close the entire door on my past and walk away from it. What I thought was my foundation (my friends) isn't. The prime facilitator is someone I convinced Ben's parents to take because of the needs they had and his ability to do them. He had skills I don't have, but now I regret extending my advice. I was wrong. Horribly, wrong. I put my trust in someone I really didn't know, and now I am paying the price. Never again.

Other than a few other friends, I have no-one. When will they turn on me, as experience has proven again and again. I am alone because I chose to be, to protect myself.

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Foley that bastard
Current mood: angry
Category: News and Politics

First, you all know I lean fairly conservative at times, libertarian at others, and maybe even liberal a wee bit. This moron Foley who got caught sending sexually oriented IMs to minors needs to be strung up, not sent to rehab for alcoholism or be able to hide behind alledged child abuse as an excuse. But what's worse is the cat and mouse game being played by the Republicans and the Democrats. SPOTH Hastert was told and did nothing beyond a "stop it" conversation with Foley. For Cripes sake, Foley sponsored anti-child abuse legislation. Couldn't anyone see a problem here. Now all anyone can talk about is how this will affect the up-coming election. Talk about missing the boat on both sides. Dems think they can ride this into majority leadership in at least one house. The Republicans are playing damage control. And we the electorate let both sides get away with this. But still third parties have no chance nationally. No wonder this country is on the verge of collapse. Mark my words, there is something BIG coming in the next 5-7 years. People are going to say NO and take drastic action to take this country back. Politicians don't own their power, neither does Washington. The fact that people sit back and allow themselves to be margainalized by their elected leaders, sickens me. But it will change. It will be either the borders issue or the 2nd Amendment, in my opinion. Regardless of what triggers people to react nationally, it will start in the middle part of the country. The coasts are to institutionalized to behave.

If we allow the forces in the world who have targeted us for destruction (way before Clinton or Bush were in office) to succeed, we don't deserve to be a country. It's time we take it back by whatever means works. Talking will work as long as you opponent is committed to the results of talking. If talking is simply used as a delay tactic while they build up for another attack, force is the only way to ensure your continued existence. You fight it out, people die, and at the end of it all if there are more of us than them, we still get to exist. If not, have fun learning Arabic because I won't be alive anymore. I will go down fighting for this country even though I know doing so guarantees my death.

Get involved and stop expecting them to solve it for you.

FROM July 03, 2006

Just moved into my new apartment this weekend. It is the tiniest place I have ever lived in and my new neighbors are sketchy at best. On Saturday, as I was moving in boxes, I was greeted by 3 Albuquerque police cars, each with a handcuffed guest inside. Great, I thought, what a neighbor hood. As I am walking through the hallway, I passed a group of early 20 somethings and once looks at me and says "Afternoon, officer" with a sarcastic tone. I guess it's my stocky Irish build combined with the shaved head. Ever since that point, this "kid" has been giving me nasty looks and comments. Hopefully, it just stays that way. Hopefully, he doesn't try something because I'm not really in the mood for any crap from him. I would hate to put in a situation where I would have to defend myself.
Anyway, I am out of Scott and Deb's house. Scott could not help but start boxing my stuff up while I was out. I am glad to be rid of him. I hate to lose a friend after some many years but I have had it with his crap. At least, I won't have to deal with the near-constant harping and analysis of what he sees as whats wrong with my life. Thanks, but I do the self-doubt thing well enough without needing help.I haven't been sleeping well in the new apt yet, but that's to be expected. New sounds, the security light right outside my window. Kind of hoping that the conversations with Lenny bear some fruit. I think Pittsburgh could be close enough to the people I love and care about, without living in the Lehigh Valley. But we will see how serious Lenny's offer is.


They say it's my birthday. Sigh!!!!! Just another day, another hallmark in the failure that is my life. But who knows it looks like I might make it to 40. That would be something.

Today's Highlight in History:

On June 28, 1914, Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sofia, were assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serb nationalist — the event that triggered World War I.

On this date:
In 1491, England's King Henry VIII was born at Greenwich.

In 1778, "Molly Pitcher" (Mary Ludwig Hays) carried water to American soldiers at the Revolutionary War Battle of Monmouth, N.J.

In 1836, the fourth president of the United States, James Madison, died in Montpelier, Va.

In 1838, Britain's Queen Victoria was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

In 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in France, ending World War I.

In 1939, Pan American Airways began regular trans-Atlantic air service.

In 1944, the Republican national convention in Chicago nominated New York Gov. Thomas E. Dewey for president and Ohio Gov. John W. Bricker for vice president.

In 1950, North Korean forces captured Seoul,

In 1978, the Supreme Court ordered the University of California at Davis Medical School to admit Allan Bakke, a white man who'd argued he was a victim of reverse racial discrimination.

In 2000, seven months after he was cast adrift in the Florida Straits, Elian Gonzalez was returned to his native Cuba.

Ten years ago: The Citadel voted to admit women, ending a 153-year-old men-only policy at the South Carolina military school.

Five years ago: A unanimous federal appeals court reversed the court-ordered breakup of Microsoft, but ruled that the software giant had violated antitrust laws, and appointed another judge to determine a new punishment. Former Yugoslav leader
Slobodan Milosevic was handed over by Serbia to the U.N. war crimes tribunal.

One year ago: On the first anniversary of Iraqi sovereignty,
President Bush, addressing the nation from Fort Bragg, N.C., rejected suggestions that he set a timetable for withdrawal from
Iraq' or send in more troops as he counseled patience for Americans who were questioning the war's painful costs. Sixteen service members were killed when an American MH-47 Chinook crashed in Afghanistan' after it had been struck by a rocket-propelled grenade.

Today's Birthdays: Comedian-movie director Mel Brooks is 80. Sen. Carl Levin , D-Mich., is 72. Former White House chief of staff Leon Panetta is 68. Rock musician Dave Knights (Procul Harum) is 61. Actor Bruce Davison is 60. Actress Kathy Bates is 58. Actress Alice Krige is 52. Football Hall of Famer John Elway is 46. Record company chief executive Tony Mercedes is 44. Actress Jessica Hecht is 41. Rock musician Saul Davies (James) is 41. Actress Mary Stuart Masterson is 40. Actor John Cusack is 40. Actor Gil Bellows is 39. Actress-singer Danielle Brisebois is 37. Jazz musician Jimmy Sommers is 37. Actress Tichina Arnold is 35. Actor Alessandro Nivola is 34.


Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be a republican. I stuck by the Pres when things started getting shakey about the war. I was willing to stick it out because I believe more in the republican ideals (in theory) than the current administration seems to. For a party theoretically based on the idea of self-determination and small federal government, GWB and the rest of the GOP are getting back into the gay marriage issue by pushing for a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriages. I don't want the fed in my life that much. Regardless of what I may think about gay marriages, it should be up to the individual states to decide what LEGAL status they want to apply to marriages. I don't think it's really a question of religious scantioning because that isn't within the domain of any government. Now the White House seems to be trying to hoodwink us by focusing on a morality play instead of the increasing debacle with just about everything else it gets involved in.


Finally done with my classes. After 10 years out of school, it looks like I am going to get all A's and get on the Dean's list. I am pleased. Right now I am just exhausted and taking it easy for the week.

Things otherwise are well. Nothing special, just day-to-daying it. That's all there is.

UPDATE: Yes I did get all A's and made the Dean's List. Yay Me!!!!!!


So today was the Day without Immigrants. Big Deal. These people don't realize how galvanizing their actions are on the rest of us. Fight harder, so will we. The point is still: IF YOU ARE HERE ILLEGALLY WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU WANT, YOU'RE NOT CITIZENS!

I am so tired of hearing how they have a right to be here because they work hard. Using there same logic, I have a right to go into someone's home and kill them because I need a place to live. Harsh, you say? Well if their point is that the validity of the need outweighs the illegal action, then I am completely justified in find a home for myself.

On a related note, I must admit my day was affected by the lack of immigrants today. I went to a restaurant for dinner and was actually able to understand the wait staff there.