The Daily Whine List

What is generally running around unfettered in my cranium. Or the struggles of a sometimes manic-depressive Buddhist. That's Captain Sarcastic to you.


Ok, I'm back. Geez this humidity is killing me. BTW it rained again today. I know we need it but I feel like I'm covered in saranwrap. Yeek! Suppossed to go camping this weekend, but I am seriously debating whether I want to be stuck in this weather. I am such a whiny bastard; hence the name of the blog.

I read somewhere that most of mankind leads their lives in quiet desperation. At which point, do you give up and just get those jobs that allow you to survive and realize you are never going to make it as a my case, a filmmaker. Questions? Comments.

If I don't go away tonight I will write more tommorrow. If not, I'll see you all Sunday with news of my damp weekend.


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