As you can obviously tell I haven't blogged inawhile. What blogging I have done was moved to MySpace and became more diary-esque in nature. I stopped doing the more politically based ones since I decided not to go to grad school/ not getting into law school. I have been trying to avoid politics which hasn't always been successful. To be honest, I didn't like how angry all the stuff was making me, hence my break. Recently DOGRAT started blogging again and I am motivated to return to my rantings. So blame him.
Last night Obama clinched the Democratic nomination for President, even though it seems like they've been running for 5 years. Maybe now, Hillary will shut the fuck up. That's not likely but it's nice to get out of my skull. McCain or Obama? Does it really matter? They're all self-serving bastards who need to be hung but thats another matter.
Awhile ago on the radio, I heard someone going on about racism and the current generations so-called responsibility for it. BAsically the conversation centered around how current generations of whites are still responsible for the sins of our forefathers regardless of whether said forefather had anything to do with racism or slavery. The rationale is that by virtue of being born white (and don't forget male-!!!) we have benefited. When I was in school it was said to my face that I had benefited even if I wasn't aware of it. So you are a racist just because you're white?
Since that is apparently a valid "proof" to my racism, I wonder if that same rationale is justified in other discussions of race. It must, using this thought process, be ok to be suspicious of any individual of X skin color based on statistical behavior. It will not matter that you can show proof of your innocence because all I have to do is claim you are not aware of your racial-predestination to crime. Let's see someone realistically try to float that argument. It won't float because it's bullshit.
Anyway, I'm back, so blame Dograt.