The Daily Whine List

What is generally running around unfettered in my cranium. Or the struggles of a sometimes manic-depressive Buddhist. That's Captain Sarcastic to you.


It's been an interesting week. I accomplished writing an 8 page paper while dealing with the affects of a decent concussion. I proofread it several times, so I don't think I called the professor a whiny bastard in it. Well, I hope not.

So my "return to college" tour continues. So far the grades are going well. All As. And finals are coming up. It's nice. I am the contrary, arguement-starting, guy in the back of your class with the NRA sticker on my laptop who doesn't feel any need to placate the professor because I won't drink the "Republicans are evil, GWB is worse than Hitler" koolaid.
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I love it. For starters, I am not intimidated by their degrees. So I love watching the heads of the yungins spin when I don't agree that National Anthem should be sung in Spanish. Evil Snicker.
But what they don't get is that I don't care what they think, nor should they care what I think. I am much more concerned how they think.

I meant to post this a few weeks back but I got sidetracked. Anywho. The UNM campus is usually inundated with groups trying to get students to join...yada yada yada. This particular week we had the Furity Little Club (see Church of Scientology) set up shop on campus. This has been roughly their third or fourth trip this semester offierng stress tests and trying to get kids to read their book. Cough cough...join their cult. This time they made my job easier by showing up in this ....
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When they show up in an actual circus tent, my job is over halfway done. All they need now is the little red car and the big floppy boots. I've read their book and made the mistake of giving them contact information and had to threaten them with legal action after numerous tries at telling them to leave me alone.

What you can't really see in this picture is that the recruiting team has taken to wearing cross icons on their polo shirts. Hmmmm. I guess Zeenu needs PR help.

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Well it's late.


Just a quick note to announce the addition of a new blog on my links section. Scott is a friend of mine who makes me look like a whiny liberal so be forewarned.

Yes readers I am back, but are you???? I must admit that I have blogging on I am sorry.

Lots of things have been getting my bloodpressure up lately. Oil companies and, as of this morning, this smelly bastard who can't seem to chew with his mouth closed. Jeezus!!!!! How come "peace-loving vegans" have the worst smelling food. It's like gray crap and it smells like the rancid water that you find on loading docks in August. Apparently your soap-making retards called parents never tought you how to CLOSE YOUR DAMN MOUTH when eating. It's like having to sit next to a horse, smells included. Maybe I should just hit him with a chair.

But I have been on depression meds which make it nearly impossible to get a really powerful rage on. So he gets to live. You gotta love chemicals.

Now to the oil companies. They are telling us to our face that they are gouging us and yet we take it. Record net profits have put Exxon , Chevron, and Conoco Phillips all in the top 10 on the Fortune 500 list. Exxon has a 42.6% increase in PROFITS since last year. That means that even with the price of oil going back over $70/barrell, that somehow managed to make an extra 12.5 billion dollars this year and that includes losses for Katrina. Holy shit folks!!!! There's no way they are cutting wages and salary, so they have to be artifically raising prices. Just in case, you think they are hurting, their revenues were almost 340 billion dollars. Thats 1/3 of a TRILLION dollars. The national debt is just over 8 trillion, just to put it in perspective. But it must have been tough giving a retiring CEO 400 million dollars in a severance package.

It's just time to start hanging this bastards. Or start charging them with treason and war profittering .

Ok back to your regularly scheduled psychotic break.