Doing a little catching up. Found this draft that I forgot to post from March. ENJOY.
Took a stupid online test and the results are not shocking:

Haven't written in awhile, not because there hasn't been anything that has chaffed my ass, but more because I just don't have the energy. People are incurably shortsighted and I am just tired of it.
Calm down Ryan and quit sitting around naked "member" painting with dippable chocalate. How's that for an image.?
Anyway, from the news of the day, some jackoff kid from an Indian reservation killed 9 other students before offing himself. As a card-carrying NRA member, I'm curious how long it will be before it's my fault. Fuck 'em, the kid that is.
They are already blaming it on poverty levels on indian reservations. Having lived in NM, and spent a goodly amount of time on Indian reservations (installing sattellite dishes), I have seen first hand they way some of these people CHOOSE to live. These people will put up a casino on every free spot of their land. They make money hand over fist and pay very little in the way of taxes. Yet if you've ever been on their reservations, they chose to live in squalor. Doesn't seem how this is my problem.