The Daily Whine List

What is generally running around unfettered in my cranium. Or the struggles of a sometimes manic-depressive Buddhist. That's Captain Sarcastic to you.


Just figured I'd write for a change. Just added a new link to another friend's blog; Ryan. Ryan just added a decent entry about these whiny goth pukes and their "desire" to die. As Ryan put it, death is serious. I have a friend who's daughter is 16 and whining about the constraints placed on her by her parents, the government, and anyone who won't let her fuck around as she wants. Personally, I think she should get ALL the responsibility she claims she wants. Go ahead sweetheart. Feed yourself, cloth youself, support yourself, and all the other things ADULTS have to do everyday. The clincher is you don't get to have your folks or the government bail you out. Life sucks, wear a helmet. If you fail in the real world (unless you are a major airline) and there are no friends or family to help you out of the kindness of their heart, you die. Period. People fall thru the cracks of the world's societies all the time. Not eveyone makes it. More often than not the cheetah catches, mauls, and eats the gizelle; and there are no internet support groups to make it different. You really want to die? Go ahead and save all the cyber-ink. Just do it!!! At least that would be doing something. If not shut up and live your life. Do a google search on "quiet desperation" and look at all the people who hurt out there. You're not original, nor are you alone. Walden wrote “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” in 1854; that's 151 years ago.

Get over your darkness you whiny fucks.