The Daily Whine List

What is generally running around unfettered in my cranium. Or the struggles of a sometimes manic-depressive Buddhist. That's Captain Sarcastic to you.


Believe it or not I do actually venture outside on occasion. The other day I found myself at Barnes and Nobles and I came across a book title I found confusing. "Depression for Dummies". While it's probably a useful tome but I was wondering what kind of affect that has on someone in the grips of a full flegged crisis. Since bad fits of depression usually involve a bottoming out of ones self image, can you imagine what it feels like having to consult a book designed for dummies?

When did they cancel November? Or thanksgiving? The other day I was in a supermarket and say that the store was packed to the gills with Christmas candy and decorations. We went right from Halloween (which first showed up in August) and went right to Christmas. I was actually in a deli shop that was playing Xmas tunes before the end of October. Holy shit.

And now the weather and the further wimping-out of our youth. Today it rained, not a downpour but a slow steady cold drizzle. Most local school districts postponed tonight's games because.....I'm not really sure why. When I was a kid football meant mud and cold. Hell most of my best memories playing covered in crap and goo. Baseball players quit when it rains. The only time I remember a game being postponed was when lightning hit close to the field in early September. Or maybe it was an economic response to the rising cost of laundry detergent.

Now back to your regularly scheduled psychosis.


Ok so I haven't written in a long time. Sue me. Ok so
I'm a lazy bastard.

Just saw a post from my pal Dograt about his
daughter's school replacing a Halloween parade with a
"Positive Book Character" parade. To paraphrase
Dograt's comments, Oh my fucking hell!!!! What the
fuck is wrong with these people. Political correctness
has gone way too far. Who are we trying to save this
time? Witches? My opinion is that if you really had
pissed off a with or two with your pointy hat and
wart-ridden nose, you would have to worry about it.
Plus witches don't do those kind of spells. Anyway I
suggested to Dograt that he should have sent his
daughter to school dressed as Mary from the Bible.
What? I'd love to watch the school administrators'
heads explode trying to rationalize that one. So are
you saying that Mary is not a positive book character?

Well thank the election is almost over. I am beyond
the point of tollerating the spin control and tactics
of this election.

On Friday, Osama dropped another video on us telling
us that regardless of who wins the election the only
way to ensure our safety will be to get out of
Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm sorry Osama but we give a
fuck what you think.

I am still confused whether or not John Kerry is still
blaming Bush for misplacing all the explosives which
up until the UN report were not even suppossed to
exist. When questioned about the possibility that the
explosives were gone before the 3rd ID arrived on
site, John Edwards said that it was still our
responsibility to find them ( even tho we weren't
there yet?). And people say Bush is a dolt.

Walter Cronkite suggested the other night on Larry
King that the Bush administration is working with
Osama to produce these videotapes. We I guess if you
subscribe to the idea that Bush organized 9-11 to
distract America, than this is right up your line of

Anyway, it's been a long day and I am not feeling
particularly cogent, so I will leave you for now. I
will leave you with a really stupid sports headline
from "Texans drive past Jaguars with their
Carr". Wow!!!! How do these people keep their jobs.

Back to your regularly scheduled psychosis.

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