The Daily Whine List

What is generally running around unfettered in my cranium. Or the struggles of a sometimes manic-depressive Buddhist. That's Captain Sarcastic to you.


Ok so I went Passion again yesterday. The people directly behind me decided to bring their 8-10yo daughters with them. Normally not a problem, but this schmuck felt he had to offer up a running open-caption for his idiot children. Look it's a powerful film and if you're child has enough on the ball to grasp the subject matter and not be overwhelmed by the graphic nature of the film, cool. But having to endure two flipping hours of "That's Mary, his mother", "That's a flashback to the last supper", "That's a crucifix" was almost more than I could bare. If they don't understand it, then DON'T BRING THEM. I don't go to a conference on astro-physics and interrupt them asking them to make the pointy light thing go back on the screen.

News headline: Janet Jackson hails her fortitude at awards show.

Apparently, Ms. Jackson won a career achievement award. Ok, she's pretty talented. And although I think she had to have some kind of intestinal fortitude to deal with the tit-storm she created, does she really think it benefits her to flout her own victim-itis.

Now what really wrinkles my scrot is the following statement from Ms. Jackson. "That endurance is my heritage, as a woman, and especially a black woman. I'm convinced that we black women possess a special, indestructible strength that allows us to not only get down but to get up, to get through and to get over."

Now I take that as a racist/sexist statement. If I were to make a similar statement about being of Irish/Scots heritage and our ability to endure (whatever that means) and especially a man, and especially a white man, I would be strung up, picketed, and ostracized. Hell, I am a white male living in the 21st century. I've lost my silver spoon years ago. I made $10K this year but I still get turned down for civil support programs even tho I am diagnosed diabetic and bipolar. I have been told that it's unfortunate that I don't have kids and am not female because I would be a shoe in.

You go persevere Ms Jackson. Make checks payable to Joe Greig, c/o