The Daily Whine List

What is generally running around unfettered in my cranium. Or the struggles of a sometimes manic-depressive Buddhist. That's Captain Sarcastic to you.


Quick Rant before vacation:

The lady (sorry she was born that way) who missed her exit on the highway yesterday and thought the best course of action was to STOP DEAD in the inside lane. I've never seen a tractor-trailer skid sideways before, but now I have. People, get you freakin' heads out of your asses. This shouldn't have to be explained to you. Personally, I would have liked to see her run over for her stupidity. Maybe that would make the point.


Let's see, I haven't written in a few weeks. Just got home from 2nd job, so this will be brief. News out of New Jersey. Apparently a 26 year old gent started an extensive relationship over the internet with a girl, age 14, who over the course of this internet tryst consistantly offered herself as a 20-something cheerleader coach. While the judge did sentewnce said gent to a year in county prison, he ALSO read the young temptress the riot act.; calling her involvement fraudulent. Outstanding, personally I think she should be brought up on charges as well. How do you blame this guy if she lied constantly about her age. Sometime the justice system gets it right.


I am up at Ben's for a 4th of July shindig. I had to work this morning'changed two blown tires on a big RV. Lovely. I kind of lost my temper with a couple of my co-workers the other day. The guy who normally does the schedule went on vacation all week with no word as to when he would be back and without doing the schedule for next week. So I got the bosses permission to do the next two weeks schedule. No big deal right? Well apparently said individual came into shop on Thursday and was morally offended by all this. Dude,, it's not a big deal. Next time leave some word as to what you are planning.

Anyway. Been hanging out with Guinever for most of the day. Very cool but I don't think it is what I thought it might be. We're suppossed to talk tonight, so we will see. She says she doesn't date, but that's not what I am about. I just want to spend some time with her, not drop titles on everything.

We'll see.


I didn't get that videographer job at Channel 69. I am disappointed but they had nice things to say. They said I have a place at the station but that the guy they hired had a stronger news background than I did. I am hoping that is true and not your standard "nice" rejection. Sigh. So I guess it's Joe security guard for me.

In other news, dung beetles use moonlight to navigate. Just thought you'ld like to know. Also, the FCC made it easier for news organizations to own larger parts of individual markets; 45% I believe. This is not a good idea. Centralizing news sources is bad because it potentially puts the power of what is newsworthy in the hands of fewer than 10 people across the globe. What if these profit-minded people decide that a particular truth or event works against their profit margin or their idealology. Case in point. WWII...Germany....Nazi propoganda minister Goerring (oe Goebells...I forget which) controls all media sources. After WWII, large sections of the everyday German population never knew about the concentration camps. The news of the times told them the Jews were repatriated outside the country. Now I know technology has allowed information to travel around the world in mere minutes, but what if they just don't tell you. Will it happen? I don't know, but do you really want all that power in so few hands.

Ok, I am off to bed.


Well I finally got the result from my HIV test back.....NEGATIVE. Whew. Now I can breathe easier. The Atkins diet is going ok I guess. Had a minor setback over the weekend (started gaining weight), but it seemes to be fixing itself. I am drinking water like a fish. In fact, I think I spotted a gill.

Now for the rant of the day. Saw in the paper that the victims of that Rhode Island nightclub fire (White Lion concert) are suing, in addition to the owners, Shell Oil. They are doing this because the owners of the club also owned a gas station. C'MON here folks. That's like suing the Pope or the Catholic church (or any church for that matter) because the building sat on the ground and God created the earth and the Pope is God's representative on Earth. You gotta be freaking kidding me. I feel appropriately sorry for their loses but this is rediculous. How do you justify that? I'd like to see the legal connection that waste-of-skin of a lwayer came up with.

Reminds me of a joke. What do you call 500 dead lawyers? A good start.